Sunday, August 4, 2019

Being a Better Dog Owner - Taking Care of Dental Needs

Hello, dear friends!

Today there's a special topic on my mind. I subscribe to several dachshund fan and rescue groups on Facebook, and one of the greatest needs I see every day is the need to take care of our fur babies' teeth. Dental issues in dogs are just as critical as they are for humans. Failure to take care of the teeth can lead to infection, organ problems, and costly dental bills. That's bad for the pet and bad for its humans! Can you imagine the dentist pulling 10 or 20 of your teeth at one time? That's what I read about all the time, and rescuers have to beg for thousands of dollars to take care of the costs. Imagine how many more pups (of any age) could be rescued with that money!

I confess that I have had three dachshunds in my adulthood, and all of them have had dental issues. That's MY bad! I could have prevented that (or at least slowed it down) by being a better owner who brushed my baby's teeth.

Unfortunately, we lost our sweet senior dachshund, Winnie, last October to Cushing's Disease, and we don't currently have another pet. When we DO have another one, though, my first priority is to take care of its dental needs.

Winnie - Christmas 2017
Now I know that this process may be a little "out there" for some of us, but if we truly love our pets as we claim, then we should help them with this. While your veterinarian may recommend some types of chew toys to assist with dental health, they don't do the whole job. So, invest in latex gloves if you must, but please engage in a dental routine.

To help us all, I've looked up a couple of YouTube videos from veterinarians to assist us with knowing how. Please take a moment to watch these short videos, and then love your dog enough to take care of their teeth. It really looks quite easy! Best wishes with brushing success!

How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth

Easy Way to Brush a Dog's Teeth

See you soon with some crafts. May God grant you His tender mercies through the coming week.

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