Sunday, August 11, 2019

Curmudgeon on the Case!

Good morning, dear friends!

Those of you who know me know that I can sometimes be a real curmudgeon (cantankerous, difficult person) about all things English! :-) I've spent my life writing, editing, and proofreading, and I can get a little testy. Now that doesn't mean I'm perfect - far from it! It simply means that I choose to attempt my best work at all times. I know many of you do, too.

One of my pet peeves is when people hijack the word "utilize" when they're really just trying to sound intelligent, but don't have a real reason to use the word. Or is that "utilize" the word?!?  :-/

Let's clear that up so that we can do the right thing. I found an excellent explanation of the differences between "use" and "utilize" at this link: Yes, I know I could have hidden this long URL under the word "link," but I want it visible, just in case. Vappingo is a professional service for those needing help with documents. I am not affiliated with them and receive no compensation for using their site.  I just think it's a good example.

So, now that you know, consider how you will use these two words in the future. People will love you for getting it right! Well...I will love you anyway.

On a crafty note, today I'm making my very first project in Tunisian crochet. More on that later! Keep calm and craft on.

Work in Progress - Headband in Tunisian Crochet

Enjoy a lovely Sabbath! May God bless you richly.

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